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baca...rugi x baca... kat cni mengandungi pelbagai maklumt dan jugak utk lawak jenaka... so jangan lepaskan peluang....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

adakah anda kawan yang baik...renung-renungkan??????

Bukan senang nak cari kawan yang baik..... Bukan senang juga nak menjadi kawan yang baik..... Kawan yang baik tak pernah mengumpat di belakang kawan baiknya..... Kawan yang baik tak pernah cemburu dengan kejayaan kawan baiknya....... Sebaliknya kawan yang baiklah yang paling banyak membantu kawan baiknya untuk mencapai kejayaan.... Kawan yang baik tak pernah mempengaruhi kawan baiknya untuk membuat perkara yang buruk dan sia-sia..... Kawan yang baik adalah orang yang selalu menasihati kawan baiknya untuk berbuat kebaikan..... Kawan yang baik adalah orang pertama yang akan dicari bila tiba masa sedih atau gembira.... Kawan baik menjadi tempat kita meluahkan perasaan yang tak dapat diluahkan kepada kawan biasa.... Kawan yang baik tak pernah memaksa kawan baiknya untuk sentiasa berada disisinya..... Kawan yang baik tak pernah melarang kawan baiknya untuk berkawan dengan kawan yang baik..... Kawan yang baik tak pernah cemburu jika kawan baiknya mempunyai ramai kawan baik, kerana kawan yang baik tahu apa yang paling baik untuk kawan baiknya..... Kawan yang baik akan sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan kawan baiknya di dunia dan di akhirat di dalam doanya..... Kita adalah kawan yang baik jika kita faham bahawa kawan baik kita bukanlah seorang yang sempurna..... Kita adalah kawan yang baik jika kita menjadi kawan yang baik kepada kawan baik kita..... Kita bukanlah kawan yang baik jika kita tidak menghargai kawan baik kita,kerana kawan yang baik akan sentiasa menghargai kawan baiknya.... Kita bukanlah kawan yang baik jika kita tidak memberitahu perkara yang baik kepada kawan baik kita, kerana kawan yang baik akan selalu menyampaikan perkara yang baik kepada kawan baiknya... Dan kalau kita nak dapat kawan baik yang baik,kita mesti lebih dahulu menjadi seorang kawan yang baik...(',) Jangan tinggalkan orang yang kita sayang untuk orang kita suka, kerana orang yang kita suka akan tinggalkan kita untuk orang yang mereka sayang

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bakal Bapa

Empat orang bakal ayah sedang menunggu kelahiran bayi mereka diruang rehat sebuah hospital. Kegelisahan jelas diriak muka mereka…

Seorang jururawat keluar dari bilik pembedahan lalu berkata kepada lelaki yang pertama, “Tahniah! Isteri Tuan selamat melahirkan anak kembar dua.”
“Kembar dua! Kebetulan pula, saya bekerja di menara berkembar Petronas,” kata lelaki yang pertama dengan riangnya.

Beberapa minit kemudian, seorang jururawat lain datang memberitahu kepada lelaki kedua, “Isteri Tuan selamat melahirkan bayi kembar tiga. Tahniah!”
“Apa? Kembar tiga! Saya bekerja dengan 3D Corporation, kata lelaki yang kedua.

Setengah jam kemudian, seorang jururawat memberitahu kepada lelaki ketiga, “Tahniah! Isteri Tuan selamat. Tuan dikurniakan anak kembar empat” kata jururawat itu dengan tenang.
“Kembar empat! Sungguh saya tak menduga kejadian ini, saya pula bekerja di Four Season Hotel,” kata lelaki ketiga dengan gembira.

Lelaki yang keempat mula mundar-mandir kegelisahan. Ketiga-tiga lelaki tadi berasa hairan melihat keadaan lelaki keempat itu. Mereka bertanya,
“Apakah yang merunsingkan awak?”
Dengan perasaan gelisah dia menjawab “Saya bekerja di Seven Eleven.”


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Smartphone and PDA

A smart phone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities beyond a typical mobile phone, often with PC-like functionality. There is no industry standard definition of a smart phone. For some, a smart phone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers. For others, a smart phone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail and Internet capabilities, and/or a full keyboard.

A personal digital assistant (PDA) is a hand-held computer also known as small or palmtop computers. Newer PDAs also have both color screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones. Many PDAs can access the internet and the busy worker can only use this pda to online..


The first smart phone was called SIMON designed by IBM in 1992 and shown as a concept product that year at codex, the computer industry trade show held in Last Vegas. It was released to the public in 1993. Besides being a mobile phone, it also contained a calendar, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail, send and receive fax, and games. It had no physical buttons to dial with. Instead customers used a touch-screen to select phone numbers with a finger. Text was entered with a unique on-screen "predictive" keyboard. By today's standards, the Simon would be a fairly low-end smart phone.

The sony Erickson R380 was sold as a 'smart phone' but could not run native third-party applications. Although the NOKIA 9210 was arguably the first true smart phone with an open operating system, Nokia continued to refer to it as a Communicator.

In 2001 RIM released the first BLACK BERRY which was the first smart phone optimized for wireless email use and has achieved a total customer base of 8 million subscribers by June 2007, of which three quarters are in North America.


The first PDA is considered to be the CASIO PF-3000 released in May 1983. GO CORP. was also pioneering in the field. The term was first used on 7 January 1992 in Last Vegas, Nevada, referring to the apple newton. PDAs are sometimes referred to as "Palms", "Palm Pilot", or "Palm Tops".

Thursday, September 25, 2008


  1. Information and Communications Technology - or technologies (ICT) is an umbrella term that includes all technologies for the manipulation and communication of information. The term is sometimes used in preference to information tecnology (IT), particularly in two communities: education and government.

Although,in the common usage it is often assumed that ICT is synonymous with IT; ICT in fact encompasses any medium to record information (magnetic disk/tape, optical disks, flash memory etc. and arguably also paper records); technology for broadcasting information - radio, television; and technology for communicating through voice and sound or images - microphone, camera, loudspeaker, telephone to cellular phones. It includes the wide variety of computing hardware (PCs, servers, mainframes, networked storage), the rapidly developing personal hardware market comprising mobile phones, personal devices, MP3 players, and much more; the full gamut of application software from the smallest home-developed spreadsheet to the largest enterprise packages and online software services; and the hardware and software needed to operate networks for transmission of information, again ranging from a home network to the largest global private networks operated by major commercial enterprises and, of course, the internet. Thus, "ICT" makes more explicit that technologies such as broadcasting and wireless mobile telecommunications are included.

It should be noted that "ICT" by this English definition is different in nuance and scope than under "ICT" in Japanese, which is more technical and narrow in scope.

ICT capabilities vary widely from the sophistication of major western economies to lesser provision in the developing world. But the latter are catching up fast, often leapfrogging older generations of technology and developing new solutions that match their specific needs.

ICT can become a revolutionary vehicle in developing countries, provided technological innovations emerge on the following lines.

Local content in local languages The need of the hour is to enable the intelligentsia to develop information sources that are exclusively for fulfilling the needs of local communities. The content on the Internet that can fulfil these conditions is minuscule at present. Conditions have to emerge in which people are enthused to contribute towards the development of information databases that is exclusively disseminated through local networks, in languages/dialects that are popular in the region. The various modes of ICT may need to be integrated with one another, so that a meaningful volume of information can be generated in the minimum possible time.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

bersama ldk

my pic with my friends at btn....
apees, yen, loh, me and siang....

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